
Who’s doing the folding?


  • When the hands are busy, the heart is at peace.
    Akira Yoshizawamestre d'origami


The project came into being in September 2016 after a period of research into the possibilities of paper, experimenting with different consistencies, shapes, textures and colours

The idea arose out of an urge we felt to work with our hands and make creativity more tangible and personal, moving away from bits and pixels.

We’ve taken our inspiration from nature, taking on the challenge of turning the organic forms that surround us into polyhedral figures.

The result of our research work is this collection of paper figures: three different models designed as a fun folding and assembling activity for you to do at home. Are you up for it?

About us

Plego is a team of three people with different, complementary profiles.

David is a qualified product designer who specialises in model making. He’s the main person involved in creating and planning prototypes.

Joan is a very experienced graphic designer with creative illustration know-how. He’s in charge of creating all the graphic materials and collaborates with David in the creation of new figures.

Roser balances the team by bringing her project management and communication experience. She’s a political science and information science graduate and is responsible for customer service and for creating and supervising marketing campaigns.